Grampian – Speyside

Episode 1.2
6 January 1983

1  2  3  4 5  6

Contestants Roger Newall, London council worker originally from Northern Ireland
Catherine Froud, cultural affairs officer originally from New Zealand
Start Position Findhorn Bay
Clue 1 A famous naval signal in a tower above the town where Banquo’s ghost appeared, conceals or reveals your clue.
Leads to Nelson’s Monument, Forres – behind a picture of Nelson’s naval flag located inside the tower
Clue 2 ‘This castle hath a pleasant seat, the air
Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself
Unto our gentle senses...’
even though there is something smelly in the fishkettle. 1
Leads to Cawdor Castle – on a salmon in a fishkettle in the old kitchen
Re-position to Rothes Glen Hotel
Clue 3 If you can get into the new bit of No 1 Warehouse at the Grant’s place at Ballindalloch, south of Drum Wood, the misplaced barrel is your goal.
Leads to Glenfarclas Distillery, near Ballindalloch – under a barrel on the floor of No 1 Warehouse
Clue 4 To get up to the Glenlivet washbacks, enter under W S G Smith’s initials. The bottle you want is labelled. 2, 3
Leads to Glenlivet Distillery – whisky bottle telling all that the thousand pound prize had been won
Result The contestants ran out of time on clue 3

1 The first part of this clue refers to a passage by Shakespeare concerning Cawdor Castle.
2 W S G Smith’s initials refer to a plaque mounted above the door at the distillery, with the initials inscribed upon it.
3 There were only four clues on this hunt.