
Episode 1.5
27 January 1983

1  2 3  4 5  6

Contestants Julie Haywood, wine bar worker from Fulham, and her husband Martin, a carpenter
Start Position Linlithgow Palace
Clue 1 General Tam Dalyell left his boots where his eponymous descendant now lives, under the royal plasterwork. The clue is in the right leg. 1
Leads to House of The Binns – in a boot in the King’s Bedroom
Clue 2 An inch below a bridge that spans the Forth will yield mugshots of the appropriate Queen. 2
Leads to Forth Railway Bridge – old coin on Inch Garvie island
Clue 3 The founder of the Rothschild Rosebery Stud is visible from the air in the obvious place. He’s got no shoes so look for another boot. 3
Leads to Dalmeny House – tiny boot on a statue of a horse in the grounds
Clue 4 There’s an ancient monument embedded in the south-eastern suburbs, and embedded in the fireplace in Queen Mary’s room is a crown. 4
Leads to Craigmillar Castle – coin in fireplace of Queen Mary’s Room
Clue 5 Uther Pendragon’s son must have had a peculiar backside if this last site is any indication. What you seek was once very difficult to get hold of. 5
Leads to Arthur’s Seat – sword in the trig point monument at the top of the hill
Bonus Clue Look for the principal character in The Wind in the Willows and make him speak. 6
Leads to Arthur’s Seat – toy toad under rock near the trig point
Result The contestants won the treasure and the bonus prize, a bottle of champagne, with 55 seconds to spare.

1 General Thomas ‘Tam’ Dalyell was a 17th century ancestor of Tam Dalyell, Labour MP and current occupier of The Binns. ‘Royal Plasterwork’ refers to the King’s Bedroom.
2 ‘Inch’ refers to Inch Garvie, the small island adjacent to the Forth Railway Bridge.
3 Dalmeny House is the family home of the Earls of Rosebery and contains the Rothschild Collection, a set of 18th century paintings and tapestries. King Tom, whose statue stands next to Dalmeny House, was the stallion which founded Rothschild’s Mentmore stud.
4 Mary Queen of Scots lived at Craigmillar Castle.
5 According to legend, Uther Pendragon was the father of King Arthur, who pulled the sword Excalibur from the stone. The helicopter deposits Annie part-way up Arthur’s Seat, a high rocky hill next to Edinburgh, and she has to run to the top.
6 Toad was the principal character in Kenneth Grahame’s book, ‘The Wind in the Willows’.