
Episode 4.7
6 February 1986

1  2  3  4  5  6
Contestants Antony Davis, graphic designer, and Jonathan Street, fashion shop owner; both from Leicester
Hint to the Treasure In the toy shop tradition
Start Position Breakwater Light, Plymouth Sound
Clue 1 First, the numbers game: 155° magnetic 3.5 miles from breakwater light and 50° 17' 05" N 4° 6' 35" W. A visit to the home of the gods is the reward.
Leads to HMS Olympus – Keith lands helicopter on deck of surfaced submarine at sea, and the captain has the clue
Clue 2 Where Spencer Tracy had an adventure and Matheson Lang played a game, the villain is all clued up for a fight to the finish.
Leads to Plymouth Hoe – with one of the actors in a mock fight at the British Film Year Roadshow
Clue 3 Search a transpontine county boundary for a sailor’s Egyptian temple – shades of a desert sea and the western Nile – and anchors aweigh!
Leads to Cargreen – on the anchor of a red and white motor launch
Clue 4 Bedford’s Klondike waterfront has memories of arsenic and old lace. Ask the harbourmaster’s wife.
Leads to Morwellham Quay Living Museum – on drawers of ‘harbourmaster’s wife’
Clue 5 Home, monastery-style to the captain who singed the King of Spain’s beard and a memento that takes some beating.
Leads to Buckland Abbey – toy drum on Drake’s drum
Result The contestants won the treasure