
Episode 5.9
9 April 1987

1  2  3  4  5

Contestants Janice Talmer, housewife, and Douglas Elkins, South Australian government worker; both from Buckinghamshire.
Hint to the Treasure It’s something familiar
Start Position Leyland Vehicles factory
Clue 1 Towards the Rovers, find the link between Good Queen Bess’s successor and a Sunday roast, and try the dining table for the carte du jour.
Leads to Hoghton Tower – on sword of ‘James I’
Clue 2 An everyday story of Southworth folk, quivering before the quatrefoils, waiting for Annie to take a bow.
Leads to Samlesbury Hall – in balloon on archery target
Clue 3 After the Romans, do’s and don’ts in the Loyola tradition: pass Grammar, deny yourself a Good Do, but get into Campion’s historic good books.
Leads to Stonyhurst College – with pupil in history lesson in Campion room
Clue 4 Where Oliver made a hole, there are grounds for celebrating Merrie England – and for facing the music with a sovereign.
Leads to Clitheroe Castle – with ‘Elizabeth I’ in production of ‘Merrie England’
Clue 5 To the haunt of secret, black, and midnight hags and a race around a water-filled clough for a spellbinding finish.
Leads to Pendle Hill – black cat with ‘witch’ participating in fun run
Result The contestants won the treasure with 50 seconds to spare