Scottish Borders

Episode 6.7
31 March 1988

1  2  3 4 5  6

Contestants John Brassey, banker (attached to Department of Trade & Industry) and his wife Marion, housewife; both from Edenbridge, Kent
Hint to the Treasure Ring of roses
Start Position Abbortsford, Sir Walter Scott’s house
Clue 1 South of the Braw Lads, where the Forces Sweetheart meets the chapter chief, remember Cinderella’s slipper and wait for the riverside blow.
Leads to Lindean Mill – on a vase being blown at glassblowing workshop
Clue 2 Try 4 at Sevens’ home.
Leads to Melrose – Anneka scores a try at a rugby game
Clue 3 Via poppies to a rose, where the fighting laird of Bemersyde lies, check the cupboard below the frater’s fenestration.
Leads to Dryburgh Abbey – in the wall below the Rose Window
Clue 4 Weave a knobbly way past dramatic dame’s lodge and find the 12th sign of the Zodiac at Herple Nellie’s place.
Leads to Makerstoun House – in a fly fisherman’s net on the River Tweed
Clue 5 A prince popped the question beneath playfair’s parapets and pepperpots. Look between the gallery and the dining room for the bridesmaid’s circle.
Leads to Floors Castle – hoop of flowers carried by bridesmaid at Duke and Duchess of York’s wedding in 1986
Result The contestants won the treasure with 1 minute 35 seconds to spare