
Episode 4.13
20 March 1986

1  2  3  4  5

Contestants Rosemary Griffin, housewife from Chichester, and her son Charles Griffin, production editor from Twickenham.
Hint to the Treasure A badge of success
Start Position Nether Alderley
Clue 1 Here’s scope for a star performance. Take your cue from the dishy model. The azimuth’s OK, but the elevation’s wrong.
Leads to Jodrell Bank – hanging from a replica telescope
Clue 2 South-east of Mrs Gaskell’s Cranford a champion strong man opens a hall. Talk of the Devil – look who’s dropping in!
Leads to Capesthorne Hall – with a member of the Red Devils parachute display team
Clue 3 Bollin banks at the priest’s town. Who banks at the priest’s house? Better ask for a statement.
Leads to Prestbury – Nat West bank (formerly the priest’s house), written on a bank statement
Clue 4 Trust Greg’s to be no run-of-the-mill place. Weave a way to the tackler – could his job be folding?
Leads to Quarry Bank Mill – in the weaving room with the tackler, who is folding material
Clue 5 In the old hundred of Bochelau, the Egertons’ home is a showplace. Find “Our Cheshire Countryside”, and take the bull by the horns.
Leads to Cheshire Show, Tatton Park – tied to one of the horns of a bull next to the ‘Our Cheshire Countryside’ exhibit
Result The contestants ran out of time when Annie was just yards from the treasure 1

1 Because Annie narrowly fails to get the treasure, the contestants win £500 and a consolation bottle of champagne. However Kenneth makes a voiceover announcement during the end-credits to say that “on reflection” it has been decided to award the contestants the full £1000 because they had said at the beginning of the programme that they would be giving the money to charity.