
Episode 4.3
9 January 1986

1  2 3  4 5

Contestants Val and Eira Harrison, husband and wife, originally from Newport and living in Solihull. After retiring as a veterinary surgeon, Val became a financial consultant. Eira was a retired nursing sister.
Hint to the Treasure Action Man
Start Position Day’s Lock and Weir on the River Thames
Clue 1 Before you come to power, halt for a run on historic lines. A coach for the track event has chocolate and cream waiting.
Leads to Didcot Railway Centre – on a waiter’s tray in one of the GWR ‘chocolate and cream’ dining cars
Clue 2 To Peter Cook’s alma mater’s bank, where you’ll need to shell out for the wet bobs’ Hero.
Leads to Radley College Regatta – Annie has to take to the water (shell out) with a rowing four to retrieve the clue from the umpire’s launch (‘Hero’)
Clue 3 Look in on the bibliopolist opposite the Encaenia location and ask for a note on Dodgson’s Liddell account. 1
Leads to Oxford – in an ‘Alice In Wonderland’ display in the window of Blackwell’s Bookshop
Clue 4 Fair Rosamund’s tomb and a Schubert quintet bring you to a branch of cuprous fagus.
Leads to The Trout Inn, Godstow – hanging from the branch of a large copper beech tree in the riverside pub’s grounds
Clue 5 Connect Southey’s old Kaspar and a proposal to Miss Hozier, then use a communications room to come face to face with Mrs Freeman’s father-in-law.
Leads to Blenheim Palace – a toy soldier on top of a painting of the first Sir Winston Churchill in the Green Writing Room
Result The contestants ran out of time on the final clue

1 This clue led to one of the best Treasure Hunt chases. After landing in the grounds of St Hilda’s College, Annie, Graham and Frankie borrow three bikes from the students and head across Magdalen Bridge, up Longwall Street and along Holywell Street to Blackwell’s bookshop. Graham and Frankie have to maintain a very precise distance between them because they are tethered by the umbilical cord from the camera to the video recorder; at one stage Frankie is seen holding the cable in his teeth. Graham has to ride one-handed while balancing the camera on his shoulder, and is still able to point out passing cyclists and the tower of Magdalen College while cycling.