
Episode 5.12
30 April 1987

1  2  3  4  5

Contestants Jenny Wood, book packaging company owner, and her husband Tim, part-time teacher; both from Axbridge
Hint to the Treasure A high flyer 1
Start Position Penshurst Place
Clue 1 Off the rails to the south, a Beatle takes on the Stones. If you know the ropes you’ll beat Flotsam and Jetsam.
Leads to Harrison’s Rocks – at the top of the ‘Flotsam and Jetsam’ climb 2
Clue 2 Near Queen Henrietta’s campsite, take to the Tuscan columns for the chalybeate source and duck down by the dipper. 3
Leads to Tunbridge Wells – in ‘Dippers Well’ at The Chalybeate Spring in The Pantiles
Clue 3 Hop over a line at an olde-worlde Toad Wood to 25 cowls. Head for the poles, and when you’re one over the eight try walking a straight line.
Leads to Whitbread Hop Farm – tied high on the ninth row of poles
Clue 4 Here’s a Teiser: St Paul’s railings should help you forge ahead to a claustral cluster where the clue is rooted beyond the sedilia.
Leads to Bayham Abbey (on the River Teise) – in tree root by abbey wall
Clue 5 Listen to the sound the poet heard on Innisfree, and fall for the fellow who’s got a rosy half-century under way.
Leads to Bewl Water – Anneka has to jump into the water to retrieve the treasure (a scarf) from a wind-surfer (number 50)
Result The contestants won the treasure with 35 seconds to spare

1 Wincey forgot to reveal the hint to the treasure before the clock was started. She revealed it just before clue 4.
2 After climbing the rock-face the hard way to reach the top, Anneka is frustrated when she is shown the steps up, which she could have taken instead of the climb!
3 The landing place, run and clue location were almost identical to Clue 3 of the 2002 West Kent episode.