Wiltshire / Avon

Episode 5.5
12 March 1987

1  2  3  4  5

Contestants Richard Allinson, retail manager, and his wife Judith Allinson, teacher, from near Colchester
Hint to the Treasure It must be teatime
Start Position Lacock Abbey 1
Clue 1 Tunnel vision will show the vessel of Guinevere’s king. Watch out for obstacles, and the postman’s walk will lead to high ratings.
Leads to HMS Royal Arthur at Corsham – attached to the ‘postman’s walk’ on the obstacle course
Clue 2 In a Yorkshire-sounding place where the clink’s on a crossing, make for an old tax-collecting storehouse and pull for a point between the Barton cutwaters.
Leads to Bradford-on-Avon – between the wedge-shaped pier ends (the cutwaters) on Barton bridge
Clue 3 Down by degrees to the home of the brave and the product of a quilting bee – Mrs Waterbury’s Album.
Leads to American Museum, Claverton – patchwork quilt known as Mrs Waterbury’s Album
Clue 4 Now for a dash
Past a statue of Nash
Down the steps where a spring makes a splash.
Leads to Pump Room, Bath – on the steps where the spring water enters the Great Bath 2
Clue 5 Sally forth to old Lilliput, where a peel will pull the prize from the faggots.
Leads to Sally Lunn’s House – a bun pulled from the faggot oven in the kitchen museum 3
Bonus Clue Branch out in the greenwood before the toys. 4
Leads to Abbey Green – miniature bottle of champagne hidden in the branches of a tree
Result The contestants won the treasure, but failed to solve the bonus clue

1 Anneka proudly shows off her new, lightweight communications pack at the start of the hunt.
2 Anneka rides in a police car from the Royal Crescent to the Pump Room and discovers that the new comms equipment has its limitations – virtually all communication with the studio is lost and only returns when she nears her destination.
3 After Anneka has found the clue, a waitress comes out with a tray containing three glasses of champagne... obviously for Annie, Frankie and Graham, thinking that this would be the end to the hunt. However, as there is a bonus clue, Anneka pushes past her and rushes out of the tea rooms!
4 Anneka gets the treasure with over three minutes to spare, so the contestants decide to try for the bonus clue. This actually directs Annie to a bottle of champagne hidden up in the branches of a small tree in a nearby street. However the contestants try to direct Anneka to the Toy Museum.